Here is a concept (that HE noticed) Michael Mornard Played in the original Blackmoor, Greyhawk, and EPT Campaigns "Gronan of Simmerya" aka "Old Geezer" aka "LORD Grumpy"
Inspired by the other thread in this subforum, I've been thinking about the question of how D&D has changed, and I think I've come up with what seems the biggest change to me. When Dave started "Blackmoor", which I've been told was a team vs team game, it was his invention... he wanted to RUN a game, and got players. When it morphed into more of what we now call an RPG, it was still "Dave's game" about "Dave's world". Likewise when Gary started running Greyhawk, it was "Gary's got this cool new game called Greyhawk. You're a bunch of guys exploring an old abandoned wizard's castle." Again, Gary created a world, and found players for it... somewhere around 20 players in the early 70s in the cow's anus that was Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. And that was the first year or so of how the game grew... "Hey, who wants to explore MY dungeon?" The game was centered around the referee, and the idea of the game was to explore the referee's world. At some point this changed. The mindset became, "We want play being a bunch of heroes, who can we talk into refereeing?" The game became centered on the idea of the players' adventures rather than the referee's world. That's actually a pretty phenomanal paradigmatic shift, and I think it's the core change beneath all the other changes made to the game.
SO Early RPGs were CENTERED around each DM was the artist and maker of a world and players PLAYED in the DMs WORLD! At some point this changed. The mindset became, "We want play being a bunch of heroes, who can we talk into refereeing?" The game became centered on the idea of the players' adventures rather than the referee's world. That's actually a pretty phenomanal paradigmatic shift, and I think it's the core change beneath all the other changes made to the game.
AND it has been that way ever since kinda for the most part. VERY profound. PUTS the early DMs into another light...
JDN2006 noticed that: Gary Gygax was designing the sort of game and adventures he liked playing and he seemed to have simple tastes, with a bent towards adventure and "anyone and everyone can play" concepts. I don't know if that is true, but it's the image I get from his work.
THORSWULF wrote this profound statement: Sadly, so many DM's I know really didn't get into the exploration of creation- they missed the point. I too have been guilty of this. Sometimes the rules seemed to be the master, not the guide. I have to wonder if the very words like handbook, guide, and manual stifle creativity?
Fantastic thread. A few gems of great wisdom and "how we did it back then"!
So what is this foolish quest we are on? Yes I say "we" because like me there's many a fool out there writing their own neoclone and/ or retroclone.
Why are we doing this?
At least for myself I always wanted a version of "The Fantasy Game" in a form like the old days in simplicity mixed with the new school choices of race and class.
So has the new Dungeons and Dragons invalidated the neoclones? What about retroclones?
Is it going to be the final version of " The Fantasy Game" that satisfies everyone?
The following 15 rules (warning: strong language) were written some years ago in Great Britain, and have been pretty much generally accepted on the British larp scene. Especially popular is rule 7 - widely known by its number and commonly considered to be the most imortant rule of all (and I agree). Even the biggest British larp forum has taken Rule7 as its name. The rules have been originally created by the Drunken Monkeys and edited by Rick Wynne who added some extra stuff in the explanations to make them more understandable to international audience (it still contains some British larp lingo though), more work-safe and to throw in his two cents. (copy of the original wording is availablehere)
1. Don’t play a mighty warrior; play a warrior and be mighty. Don’t label your character. As soon as you say that you are the best swordsman in the land someone will come along and kick your ass. Just get into the mindset of the person and role-play it out.
2. No one cares about your character background. Really. Don’t tell me about your character and how great he is. It gets boring after the first 50 people or so have told you the same thing. The character is important to you, let that be enough.
3. You are not the Highlander. There is an urban myth that after the first LotR movie came out no less than 9 characters called Legolas turned up to the Gathering. You are not the only one.
4. No one likes an elf Are you playing an elf because you are genuinely interested in playing an alien mindset, or so you can be a human with pointy ears? Are you going to be yet another namby-pamby, wishy-washy, lowest-common-denominator, bleeding heart liberal over-used hackneyed fantasy concept? Your race doesn't make your character different from the real-life you, the way you act does.
5. You are not your vet picks. You are not your skill list. You are not your fucking lammies. You are not unique. You are the all singing all dancing shit of the system. Your skills/ special abilities/ mingy items of ultimate doom do not define your character. Who he is, what he does, and what he wants are the things you should concentrate on. Most importantly do not try to be unique, fitting with the concept is better than breaking it. Min/maxing power gamer munchkins are role play killers.
6. Your character doesn't go clubbing. Some folks think there is nothing sadder than seeing people in clubs wearing their larp kit. People walking around in-character like they have just stepped out of a Rocky Horror Picture Show is equally as bad. Kit or goth, don’t confuse the two is the saying. Not sure I completely agree but one thing is certain, pick your kit to match the IC setting!
7. Don’t take the piss. You heard the man.
8. I do not want to find your character in a book. Larp is littered with plagiarism. It’s not big and it’s not clever. Be inspired by books, fine, but at least change the damn names.
9. Drum-rolling is for marching bands. Weapons, my friend, are pretty damn heavy. Act like it. I want to see huge, heroic, Conan-like sword swings! Tippy tappy flicky fighting makes it look like you are fighting with foam. That does not mean you need to move in slow motion!
10. Being hit hurts, bitch. When someone hits you it hurts. A lot. Even if it doesn't kill your character you should be crying like a big girl. React to being hit, no matter what type of armor you are wearing!
11. I don’t give a damn what would really happen. The “what would happen in real life” argument is the first resort of the loser. Repeat after me, “it’s fantasy, it’s just a game, this is not real life.” Its not re-enactment. Don't worry about authentic, but try to be coolthentic.
12. Yeah, but you didn't. Get over it. Quit living in the past, man. Let it go!
13. What’s an “out-of-character”? Are you ill? If you’re in an in-character area, and its during time in, then be in character. If you want to be out of character for whatever reason then go somewhere else. You are only spoiling the enjoyment of those around you. We are all props in each others' game.
14. They only killed your character. Get over it. Invest in your character to get the most out of him. When he dies, though, just let it go. If anyone starts moping and bitching because their fictional character has ceased to exist then they’ll get a visit from the Sad Bastard Police, Muppet Division.
15. Your character is not you in fancy dress. If you need this rule explaining to you then you also need your head checked. Leave the event and go see a doctor.
So far it looks like just another version of 3rd Edition with just a few things left out.
The monsters thus the work of the DM has been shortened but not enough. Maybe they will have the monsters on cards or something.
The introductory modules can rot on the shelf at the prices they are wanting for the thinness of the product. Maybe if I did not already feel goug4ed already.
The artwork and what they want to do with the Forgotten Realms looks really good.
I can't see any reason a serious Pathfinder player would stop playing Pathfinder over 5E.
I could see a GM looking at it and thinking how much easier it could be.
IF I were WotC I would have returned to a much simpler game with modern options (like BttDRPG) and then came out with incredible artwork and modules. I would have had D&D Television shows animated and live action, movies, more video games, and got the game out quicker.
Here is a simple yet challenging scenario for the pen and paper free form dice assisted Supers RPG called Hero's Mag.
In the city center, business district, amongst the sky scrapers.
the Morph able to change into almost any shape and form. Terro
is infiltration the Zeus Corporation a biomedical corporation with
ties to the Dark Masters. He hopes to release the terrible
Bio-Genoids upon the city to expose what the Zeus Corporation
has been doing. He also is going to steal a few million in trade
secrets and is going to try and get some insider trader info. He is
going to leave evidence of the Cartel preforming this job.
the Spinner is waiting to help out Terro and is being paid well
to do so. He will provide the proper distraction for Terro to do his
infiltration and sabotage when he gets the signal. Tornadoh is not
interested in fighting just causing havoc. If it gets too tough he
will retreat.
Slice the Weapons Master is setting the place up with hundreds of robot
drones all stashed and in hiding. When the signal is given the drones
will be activated and will patrol the area around the Zeus
Corporation headquarters. When the job is done and his boss is clear,
missiles will hit the building until it collapses. At the same time
three refineries will also have bombs go off.
Black the Psion She will gain control of many gangs and pose as a
gang member. She will have the gangs attack in full force after the
drones come out and take out any police resistance. Lilith will fade
into the crowd after everything is over.
has been tapping into the Zeus Corporation's mainframe according to
the news.
weapon shipments of weapons have been coming into the city.
have been unifying and gathering strength. The opposing gangs are
being whipped out. People are leaving the city. Even the police are
being killed out. Don't ask questions!
kind of Drone was found by some nosy kids.
mysterious benefactor notifies the characters of a dead executive
that was seen in the office the next day. When everyone told him that
they though he was dead he ran out panicked! Many o the executives go
missing for long periods of time, have been missing days, or are
acting strange.
the Morph able to change into almost any shape and form. He is an
expert brawler and can morph himself into vary strong and resistant
forms. Strong enough to throw small cars and resistant enough against
small arms fire. He is an expert actor and is very well educated.
the Spinner is a cyborg with a gyroscopic spinning propulsion
system made back in the 70s from alien technology. He can create
whirlwinds that are powerful enough to knock over cars and trucks and
blow over small buildings. He loves to break windows and throw glass
everywhere! He cannot control the whirlwinds very well so most of the
time it is just mindless destruction. He can fly at around 300 MPH
and his suit is an aerodynamic shell that can stop small missile
fire. Tornahdoh has very little skills or knowledge as he was given
the Spinner Cybernetics by a crime lord he later betrayed. A few
government officials are still looking for the Spinner Cybernetics.
Slice the Weapons Master is an egotistical merc with access to
all kinds of hi technological weapons. He has machine gun drones that
can fly and shoot, missile drones that have a four missile payload
then they kamikaze and explode with depleted uranium shrapnel, a
multi fire super machine gun with over ten different kinds of shots,
a booby trapped jet pack for escape, a booby trapped jet bike in the
sewer for escape, as well as a huge drone helicopter to come and get
Black the Psion is a normal looking teenage girl all dressed in
black. Very Gothic. She can manipulate and influence most people she
meets and change their actual though patterns. She will use anyone as
cannon fodder to escape.
are huge biomechanical beings. They have strength to throw around
cars and alloy claws. Hardy and able to withstand small gunfire and
very stealthy. They cannot talk but are very adept at survival. The
20 that are released will attempt to fight their way out of the
public view and go into combat survival mode.
Tired of the one spell wonders? Try these casters of magic with the mixture of old school simplicity with new school options.
very ancient order of wizards has existed for tens of thousands of
years though civilizations ups and downs. Some say it was Wizards
that brought the world to its near end at least more than once but
that their knowledge and lore is lost to the ancient times. Now they
are a fading memory with only a few Wizard orders in existence
putting out only a few suitable Wizards a year to assist mankind or
at least that is what they claim. Unfortunately there are not enough
of them to police all of the evil in the world and the Wizards that
turn evil. There are smaller independent Wizards that do not belong
to the guilds and they must guard themselves against the jealous and
controlling guilds.
Wizard may use his Constitution to keep his concentration if he is
hit while casting a spell or distracted in any way. Normal difficulty
is 10 + Damage done.
Wizard may use his intelligence to see if he knows any lore about any
certain occult subjects and can make a herbal based healing suave
that restores 1 or 2 points but would slow disease and or slows
poison. Wizards can cast Arcane Spells.
Wizard must look for or buy any future spell he needs to cast. Can
create scrolls and create magic items but this is very dangerous at
low levels. Wizard have Spell Points equal to their Int score and
start out with four zero level spells, two first level spells, and
one second level spell plus their Int bonus to “buy” starting
spells or a list of 6 + Int bonus if you want to buy them yourself.
Cannot cast in armor without great difficulty. Must make an
intelligent roll with the armor added to DC 15 to cast a spell.
Can poorly use any weapons
Points: 6 + 1d6 per level.
Hit: -1
20: The Mage does an Arcane Overload. This causes a magical
energy to blast out at Intelligence Radius and do 1d6 to any chosen
enemy in an area. In addition the Arcane Overload recharges 1d6 spell
in BttDRPG Magic is very connected to the attributes. Much of the
power and ranges are connected to the attributes.
Most spells are connected to the attribute bonus + a DC of 10 + the
level of the spell. Instead of a set DC 10 a D20 could be rolled
making each spell random with a chance of critical success or
failure. It is up to the Game Master to make the judgment call as
either way works fine.
Spells range for most spells are (Int/Wis/Cha) x 10 feet except for 0
level spells which are in (Int/Wis/Cha) feet.
Most spells last one round or (Int/Wis/Cha) in rounds IF it has set
Points: Wizard have Spell Points equal to their Int score (plus
1d6 Spell Points each additional level) and start out with four
zero level spells, two first level spells, and one second level spell
plus their Int bonus to “buy” starting spells or a list of 6 +
Int bonus if you want to buy them yourself. You can cast spells
equal to your level plus the attribute bonus.
example Eldrad the Wizard has an Int of 16 (+2) so he starts out with
four zero level spells, two first level spells, and one second
level spell and with his (+2) Int bonus he decide on two more 0 level
spells and one more first to add to his starting Spell Book. He
chooses Detection, Light, Mage Hand, Minor Message, Pain,
Prestidigitation, and all mages get Read Magic for free. He choose
Bolt and Slumber for his level 1 spells and Illusion for his second
level spells. If he is getting ready to adventure he must memorize
his spells before going out. He decides to memorize Detection x4 (1/2
x 2), Light x2 (1/2 x 1), Bolt x8 (1 x 8), Slumber x3 (1 x 3),
Illusion x1 (2 x 1) costing 16 Spell Points.
cost 1/2 at 0 level and their cost from then on equals their level.
For example a 3rdlevel
spell cost 3 spell points.
sorcerer is a caster of magic much like a wizard except that his
magic is not learned it comes naturally. This cause great envy fear
and sometimes disdain from the wizard community as well as everyone
else and the rivalry is ancient as there was a terrible wizardry and
sorcery war many hundreds of years ago. After one who is to be a
sorcerer goes through puberty (some sooner) they begin to gain their
powers making most Sorcerers very young and foolish yet full of
power. Most Sorcerers are also slightly insane as eldritch symbols
and secrets travel through their untrained in magic minds. Having a
very high Charisma normally they are considered manipulators and
disturbers of the natural order of things. A Sorcerer must have a
fairly high Charisma. Sorcerers always look odd or exotic and tend to
look in a certain way such as angelic, bestial, draconic, or (or
whatever) demonic.
Sorcerer may use his Constitution to keep his concentration if he is
hit while casting a spell or distracted in any way.
may use his Intelligence for lore but past that he knows very little.
can use his Wisdom to perceive magic in an area and at higher levels
even tell what the magic is.
sorcerer can also use his Charisma for fashion sense, to fascinate or
manipulate others, seduce, and hypnotize them. Unlike mages they do
not have to memorize their spells and use their Charisma instead of
Intelligence for obtaining spells points.
only start out with two zero level spells and one first level spell
plus their Cha bonus. They gain their Cha bonus in spells each level.
Cannot cast in armor.
They can use any weapons.
Points: 6 + 1d6 per level.
Hit: +0
20: On a natural “20” the sorcerer does a Sorcerer Storm
that does 1d6 damage to all foes plus blasted back 10 feet every two
levels at Charisma Radius.
cast differently they get to spend their spell points as they will
BUT they get a much smaller selection than mages. They do not have to
memorize their spells and use their Charisma instead of Intelligence
for obtaining spells points.
only start out with two zero level spells and one first level
spell plus their Cha bonus. You can cast
spells equal to your level plus the attribute bonus.
example Selene the Sexy has a Cha of 18 (+3) so she gets two zero
level spells and one first level spell plus their Cha bonus of (+3).
She decides to spend two points on Air Blast a send level spell and
get one more 1st level spell. Her powers are as follows.
Light and Pain for her 0 level spells Costing her 1/2 a point to
cast), Bolt, Charm and Summon Monster I for her 1stlevel spells (Costing her 1 spell point to cast), and finally
Air Blast (costing her 2 spell points to cast).
gains 1d6 spell points a level and her Cha bonus each level to obtain
more powers.
are highly trained hired killers that exist in secret brotherhoods
and cabals around the ancient world. Anyone can be a killer but only
the assassin guilds choose the most deadly and then hone them into a
finely trained killing machine. Assassins tend to dress very lightly
and are always prepared to escape any situation as if they are found
out they would be hung or burnt at the stake. Assassins specialize in
the quick kill only if the opponent is unaware and fails his save.
Only one chance is given for a surprise attack. They tend to wear
light armor and can use any weapons. An assassin has all the
abilities of a Rogue.
assassin uses his Strength to climb and hold himself in hiding places
for long periods of time.
assassin uses his Dexterity to do acrobatic feats of agility. The
Assassin is a flinger of darts and daggers and may fling one plus his
Dexterity bonus per round.
score is used in assisting how long the assassin can stay in hiding
in a cramped or difficult place. The Assassin also uses his
Constitution resist poison and drugs which improves as character
levels up.
the assassin uses his Intelligence he may brew up poisons or drugs.
uses his Wisdom to shadow a victim.
assassin use his Charisma to charm and fool victims and if he is
clever enough to disguise himself act like another person. If medium
or higher armor is worn subtract one point for every point past AC
12. Assassinate (DC10-Level)+(+1 DC) per level of victim only on a
surprise attack. Their unarmed Attack does 1d6.
Points: 8 HP + 1d8 a level.
Up to Leather without penalty
Hit: +1
20: On a natural “20” the Assassin may Eviscerate an
opponent causing instant death unless the victim saves 10 + damage
done, Gory Bleeding that does 1d6 for 1d4 rounds, Blinded giving a -4
to all actions, blood spray to blind another opponent two squares
away giving a -4 until he wipes the blood out of his eyes. Make a
victim gimped giving you -2 to all actions and half speed. A morale
roll may be in order.
Rogue can be a trained criminal, a thief, the master of stealth and
locks, a charmer, or conman. A Rogue can be many things though most
depend on their dexterity and craftiness. Some are nothing of the
sort using their ability to manipulate others by their sheer
personality. In some cases these more criminally organized sorts
kinds will gather together and form Thievery Guilds.
Rogue uses his Strength to climb sheer surfaces that no other class
can climb.
Rogue uses his Dexterity to pick locks, pick pockets, stealth, and
other criminal activities. The Rogue is a flinger of darts and
daggers and may fling one plus his Dexterity bonus per round.
use their Constitution to hang out in hidden places to stalk their
prey. If they hit a victim with a surprise or flanking attack they do
an additional 1d6 damage every two levels.
Rogue use his Intelligence to decipher maps and magic scrolls as well
as ancient text if he is literate. They have knowledge of various
poisons and their effects. They also speak a thieves cant which
varies from area to area.
Rogue uses his Wisdom to spot hidden things and to notice traps and
tricks. He can also use his Wisdom to shadow someone in a crowd.
Rogues are glib tongues and use their Charisma to charm and convince
Anything past Leather interferes with abilities.
Points: 6 + 1d6 per level.
Hit: +0
20:On a natural “20” a rogue may Slow an opponent
causing him to move at half speed until healed, Stun the opponent for
1d4 rounds, or cause 1 point bleeding for 1d6 rounds.
Lt. Wolf and his Wolf Pack, an elite unit of
Rangers, uncover a long-forgotten peril of ancient evil reawakening in
this epic fantasy.
A new legend created by Ron Newcomb, a huge fantasy fan and award
winning director, with the vision and skills to bring this bold and
gritty tale into reality. Together, with your help, the team of creative
minds, talented craftsmen, and actors can greenlight this epic
fantasy, “The Rangers.”
The Rangers is about a special force of elite warriors known as
Rangers. What is a Ranger? Rangers are mysterious warriors who operate
on the fringe of the kingdom of Olaran, using their unique set of
wilderness skills to bring justice to the borderlands. Founded many
years ago by King Alirion who saw the need to have a force of warriors
loyal to the crown, outside of the highly political royal court and
aristocratic knights of the military, as a first line of defense. A
force that could be the eyes, ears, voice, and hand of the king in the
wilds. They are the beacon lighters, they are the law and order to the
distant boundaries of the realm, set on the frontiers to guard and watch
the borders of the Kingdom. Our story follows the adventures of the
unit of Rangers led by Lieutenant Brander Noke, also known as Wolf, for
his ferocious, savage, and often unorthodox pursuit of elves during The
Elf Wars, and their new rookie Soren Fell, a half elf, whose identity
may hold the key to unlocking the enigma of the gathering darkness.
Together, they must strive to help their world to overcome the greatest
challenge of their time, while they face their own personal demons. Can
the Rangers save their world?
The World of The Rangers
The Rangers is set in a world of high fantasy. It is a rich
multi-layered and complex world, with it’s own mythos and lexicon of
heroes and races. When we began conceiving the world of The Rangers we
started with a creation myth and a timeline for the history of the
world, in the same vein as Tolkien’s "Lord of the Rings". Drawing from
our extensive role playing backgrounds and an almost Dungeons &
Dragons style adventure world creation, we strove to produce a “Game of
Thrones” level of intrigue in our realm, with surprises for the
characters and viewers around every castle corner, and treacherous
mountain pass.
Ranger Seal
You may have pictured Rangers like when Strider first appears
puffing on his pipe at the Prancing Pony, or The Rangers of The North,
maybe your vision of a Ranger was Robin Hood, or Drizzt Do’urden,
possibly The Night’s Watch comes to mind, maybe even your favorite
D&D character, The Rangers are all of that and more. They are even a
bit Jedi (well at least, what I thought Jedi were as I grew up in the
'80s - not as in with the force, but their awe and respect). We can't
wait to get to filming The Rangers Summer of 2014 around the Northern
Virginia (US) areas.
~Loyalty~Honor~Courage~Forever~The Rangers
The Rangers at its core is a story of a team, a band of
brothers. It takes a team effort to make a great fantasy project like
The Rangers come to fruition; here are some of the major players on the
Ben Dobyns - Zombie Orpheous Entertainment
Kynan Griffin - Arrowstorm Entertainment
Jason Faller - Arrowstorm Entertainment
Ralph Singleton - IMDB SPONSOR Medieval Collectibles - get your gear! OTHER TEAMMATES WarPaint - comics anyone? Middle-Earth Network - fans becoming creators.
Join your blade to ours and help us create the quality fantasy
entertainment you long to see! The power is in your hands “vote” for the
content you want to see by backing The Rangers. Ron and Scott’s film
“Rise of the Fellowship” won Best Feature Film at GenCon in 2012 and got
domestic and international distribution. Their critically acclaimed
documentary, “Made in the USA,” is also in distribution. Skip Lipman was
one of the major creative forces behind the documentary, Darkon The
Movie. Darkon won the Best Documentary Audience Award at the 2006 South
By Southwest Festival, in Austin and has grown to cult classic status.
We are proven filmmakers, and proud of these films, but this is the
world we dream to be in now. Back the The Rangers and Kickstart this
The Rangers is currently in full scale pre-production, with all that
entails. We are working hard towards hammering-out, honing, and
finalizing our epic script. (our team of writers has turned out an
awesome story for us to work with!) We have already completed a
successful concept photo shoot and created some great looking test
footage. Now we are deep in, scouting, confirming locations, and
assembling a winning team. The time is upon us, and we are asking for
your support to take this project the next level!
The funds we acquire through this Kickstarter will be carefully
allocated. Our business plan will see the money carefully used for
getting this film through production as well as post-production. With
the highest possible production value we can squeeze out of every dollar
invested. We need to pay for the talent, an elite film crew and their
equipment, props, wardrobe, special effects make-up, CGI,
post-production, marketing, insurance, and craft services (gotta feed
We have big plans for The Rangers, so we also have well thought out STRETCH GOALS, when the landslide of support we hope for materializes.
Where we'll spend the funds raised.
We can do it!
We want you to be as excited about this project as we are, so we
have come up with a collection of great rewards for your support. Don’t
stop there! Join us and become an ambassador for this project by backing
it and then, sounding the call to arms, share this page and help get
the word out about The Rangers.
LARP Ranger Sword - Reward
Example Reward - Custom belt buckle designed and made by UK artist James Ewing of The Ewing Workshop.
Concept CCG Card by artist Dan Rebeiz & designer Nikole Jones
We have taken a transmedia approach in the concept of The Rangers
from its inception. Developing The Rangers Card Game and commissioning
the Lt. Wolf miniature with an eye towards a tabletop battle game, in
conjunction with the film development. With plans for novelizing the
story, a graphic novel, a video game down the road, and more in the
works. The goal, fantasy entertainment with total fan engagement and
satisfaction in mind. The Rangers has a whole world of imagination to
explore, join us on the journey and help us take the next steps in the
great adventure.
Make a donation, any amount & don't wait to do so. Everything
helps, including momentum! It puts your name to ours and shows everyone
you don't just believe in the project, you are a part of the project!
Spread the word. Share the Campaign on your Twitter and Facebook.
The more people we reach, the greater the chances are that the film gets
Let BLOGGERS know, or give us a Shout in FORUMS, we "vote" by
sharing what we love. So, if you love fantasy - give us a shout out!
Encourage at least one person to donate! A Ranger never goes at it alone.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and share your thoughts and ideas! Use: #TheRangersFilm
Filmmaking is a complicated and technical endeavor, often
unforeseen difficulties will arise, causing budget and scheduling
overruns, particularly when complex visual effects are involved. That
being said, we are doing a vast amount of pre-planning to be prepared
for every eventuality, but will also ensure that we have high quality
Production Insurance in place for that “just in case” moment. Our key
team members are an experienced group and have successfully completed
and released every film that they have started, with marketable and
award winning efforts. And just in case we've missed something, we have
aligned ourselves with a very impressive Board of Advisers that will
guide us where we have not been. We have set this task before ourselves
and intend to accomplish our goals with your help.
Thanks again, on behalf of all of The Rangers!
brave and strong Fighter is the backbone of any adventuring group. He
is the first line of defense against any and all threats. Fighters
can be of any background and come from anywhere. Most Fighters depend
on their Strength to do great damage on their opponents in combat.
The Fighter answers most conflict with weapons drawn. They are
trained at all weapons and armor. They are the simplest class to
Fighter may use his Strength to perform a feat of Strength such as
moving heavy objects that no other characters can use.
Fighter may also use his Intelligence to see the quality of weapons
and armor.
Fighter may also use his Wisdom to keep control of his horse or other
steed. The Fighter may also keep his undivided attention on opponents
that if they try and get past him or attack anyone else, he will get
a free attack against as many enemies as his Wisdom Bonus even if he
has already taken an action this round.
Fighter can cleave one extra victim every two levels. You are
proficient in all weapons and armor.
Points: 10 + 1d10 per level.
Hit: +1
20: Fighters get the Melee
Critical Hit ability. When they roll a natural “20” they
automatically do triple damage in Melee Combat only. This damage
continues to cleave to the next monster if the first one dies from
the massive damage. Critical hits improve to x4 at 4th level x 5 at
8th level improving every 4 levels.
are warriors from primitive civilizations that exist far from the
gleaming decadent walled cities of mankind. Barbarians are very much
feared in the borderlands of civilizations! They fight to exist in
the plains, swamps, forest, highlands, and badlands against the
hordes of vile humanoids and undead that lurks in great numbers in
the ancient wildernesses. Barbarians are the warrior of the Primal
Wildernesses that separate the small bastions of mankind. These daily
challenges to life itself forge the powerful and strong Barbarians.
Barbarians tend to distrust magic unless it is from ones that also
lurk in the wildernesses such as Druids. Barbarians are quick to
answer any challenge with huge blades and have very little problem
killing those who cross them in the slightest offense. Barbarians use
the primal rage that comes from having to survive in wild and monster
filled wildernesses.
use their Strength to perform Feats of Strength, Jumping long
distances, and climbing sheer cliffs but not as good as a thief.
use their Dexterity to perform stealth as good as a thief as long as
they are in leather armor or less.
use their Constitution to drink large amounts of alcohol, ignore
pain, and resist poisons and drugs.
use their Wisdom to sense the weather and wilderness survival.
use their Charisma to intimidate and push around lesser people.
two handed weapons may cleave +1 creature per level. Their Critical
hits go up every four levels like Fighting Men every four levels but
start out at only x2 damage. This means that when you kill one
creature your blade passes through it to the next creature. You
continue this as long as the victim dies and until you run out of
cleaves or movement. Rage which gives +2 to hit and damage for
Constitution in Rounds plus 1 a level. Barbarians must roll Wisdom or
Higher to come out of Rage. All barbarians gain +5 to Movement every
2 levels if wearing light armor. Barbarians gain 1 point of damage
reduction every five levels.
Points: 12 HP+ 1d12 a level.
Any but prefer to wear lighter armor as heavy armor is a sign of
weakness in their society.
Any but prefer large two-handed weapons
Points: 12 + 1d12 per level.
Hit: +1
20: On a natural “20” you hit all adjacent friend or foe
sending them flying 10 feet and stunning them for one round doing
normal damage. The distance increases by 10ft every 5 levels. The
flying opponents take 1d6 per 10 ft thrown.