So May 31st 2009, I started this blog. Lot's of BS has happened since. Will be posting more, at least ONCE a month.
OH I made a Bundle of my BX Advanced Legacy Zine Modules in late celebration of the 15 years of blogging.
Trashy zine modules you can print out yourself as fold over booklets! Typewrite fonts and crappy hand drawings! With these you will be know as a leader of men. Women will flock to you in your coolness! Bards will sing tales of your greatness forever! Great sums of money, good luck and latent psionic powers will come to you when you print these out!
ELDRAD's PROBEMATIC BUNDLE! Since the rainbow hOSR called me and others that and put us on "Muh List" .
Offensive and called "problematic" by the lil cowardly hypocritical spineless hoes that banned me in various places!!! Buy this bundle to SPIT in the eye of those who would take away our FREEDOM!