Sunday, January 28, 2018

BACK to the DUNGEON Role Playing Game: The Races: A few Examples and the Old School/New School Combat System...

A few Races...

Attributes: Str +1, Dex -2, Con +2, Wis +1, Cha -2
The stern and dour dwarves all stand a slight bit shorter
that mankind although quite a bit stockier with large
feet for stability. Dwarfs live typically 350 years on
average. The dwarven men all sport long hair and beards
while the women stand slightly shorter and are very
shapely and full figured with most having no beards
though some tribes and stocks do. Despite their
appearance they are very dangerous opponents in war.
Dwarves are a rough and tough race that likes the strong
drink. They also enjoy the crafting of fine weapons and
armor. Most of the dwarves live in great and ancient
underground halls carved out of the mountains or in
cities deep in ancient giant caverns mining for precious
gold and gems for which they love so dearly.
• STONECUNNING (WIS): Dwarves are better at spotting
traps, sloping passages, and new construction while
• CAVESIGHT: Because of this life underground Dwarves
can see in the dark 60'.
• BASTION: Dwarves can push a victim back five feet on
a critical.
• STOUTBACK: Dwarves move 20 foot a round until the get
1.5 times their load.
• GREENNOSE (WIS): Dwarves can tell by the smell what
kind of humanoid is in the area. It's not a special
power it's just that goblinoids stink and dwarves
have been around them enough to tell what type by a
successful Wis roll. Dwarves hate orcs and goblins
and will attack them on sight.
• GIANTFIGHTER: Dwarves take half damage from giants.

Attributes: Str -4, Dex +2, Con -1, Wis -1
The Wee Folk are a short race that lives in comfortable
burrows. Most Halflings prefer the simple life and
growing old and fat eating their six to eight meals a
day, smoking tobacco, various weeds, and drinking heavily
late into the night. They stand more than half the height
and weight of mankind (Though non-adventuring halfling
can get very fat) with the more isolated halflings being
smaller and live around 120 years. A halfling adventurer
is a rare thing.
• UNDERFOOT: Halflings get +1AC and can hide better due
to being small. They are found of farming,
gardening, fishing, and crafts.
• TUNNELCUNNING (WIS): Halflings live in dirt burrows
and hills and can detect weaknesses such structures
made of dirt such as dirt caves. They are not
particularly warlike but can very ferocious when
• SLINGER: Halflings are experts at slings and thrown
rocks and do one dice higher in damage.

This is exactly like you are and they are considered the
base race to create other races from. They have no
modifiers to their attributes. Humans have the ability to
survive. The get to re-roll one death save they fail once
a day per five levels.

Wood Elf
Attributes: Str -2, Dex +2, Con -2, Cha +2
Deep within the primordial forest live the ancient wood
elves. Elves are the same size as mankind but usually
thinner and delicate framed and have pointed ears. They
are one of the many races of elves but in the entire elf
race is fading. They live in communities high in the
ancient trees singing their ancient songs in giant tree
house cities. Elves live thousands of years and only die
from violence. At around 1200 years old they go back to
the wilderness to become one with nature.
• WOODWISE (WIS): Wood Elves are wise to the way of the
woods, survival, and stealth in the wilderness.
• ELFBLADES: All elves are trained in swordplay and
archery regardless of class.
• ELFFOOT (DEX): All elves can move silently in the
wilderness or forest.
• TREEWALKING (DEX): Wood Elves can tree walk. That is
the ability to walk from tree to tree as long as
there are limbs. Clever elves can apply this skill to
other uses.
• FEYCHARM (CHA): Wood Elves can use their Charisma to
fascinate and allure other races. This is especially
so when they sing or recite poetry.
• MAGICEBB (WIS): Wood Elves can use their Wisdom to
feel the ebb and flow of magic and fate but only in
the vaguest of visions. Only those of very high level
have the full foresight. All elves see the material
world dying and it makes them seem distant.
• ELVINACCURACY: Wood Elves have Elvin Accuracy which
means they can re-roll one miss per battle.
• ELFSIGHT (WIS): Wood Elves have incredible vision and
can see ten times farther than a human and can see
quite well in moonlight but not complete darkness.
Wood Elves are really good at finding hidden or
concealed doors when they are actively searching.
• ELFWILL (WIS): Wood Elves are immune to paralysis
caused by undead such as ghouls and are very
resistant to charm and sleep

The Old School/New School Combat System


1. Determine Surprise.
Determine if the different sides notice each other by
rolling a D20 against the unaware party's Passive
Perception which is their Wisdom bonus +10. IF the
unaware party does not notice the attacker then that
party is surprised and their enemies get a free round of

2. Initiative.
Each character rolls a D20 + Dexterity Bonus + ½ their
Level or Hit Dice. Highest roll goes first. Combat goes
in that order for the rest of the combat. Groups of
monsters or troops may be rolled for collectively to save
time. One may delay their attack to a go at a lower
Initiative number but they are now at that lower number
in the Initiative.

3. Roll to Hit.
When one wants to attack one rolls a D20 plus ½ Your
Level or Hit Dice, plus Strength Bonus for Physical
Attacks, Dexterity Bonus for Light Physical, Ranged
Attacks and Spell Level plus appropriate attribute for
Spell Attacks. A natural 20 does Double Damage and may
have other effects depending on the Class. A 1 means the
player gets disarmed, bowstring breaks, gets tripped, or
gets pushed back five feet. Any Dexterity bonus (or
penalty) is added (or subtracted) from the Armor Class.
Magic is detailed in the magic booklet. Monsters attack
with 1/2 their HD total round down plus any other bonuses
as noted in their descriptions.

4. Roll for damage.
If one is hit then damage is rolled as followed. Remember
to add Strength (or Dexterity) Bonus to Damage (or
Penalty but at least 1 point of damage will be done.)
Subtract the damage from Hit Points. When you are at half
your hit points you are considered Bloodied and this may
allow for special conditions to occur. When you get to 0
Hit Points you are knocked unconscious. Below 0 you must
roll 10 plus the damage below 0 every round as a
Constitution Save. If you fail you die. If someone heals
you back to at least 1 Hit point you become functional
and back in the fight. Subdue damage only knocks out
another opponent. Monsters and NPCs die at 0 Hit Points
or less.

5. Try new things!
You can try anything in combat other than just hitting
and doing damage! Try making your opponent fall down or
be blinded by throwing things into their eyes or whatever
you can think of. The Game Master makes up these rules on
the spot and most of the time the difficulty is raised.
Try Combat Extremes! Charging, Tripping, Sundering
Weapons, and Pushing an Opponent. The Game Master sets
the difficulty for you such as adding up to +4 to the AC
of the monster to be hit to do such things. Many times
giant sized monsters can hit multiple opponents in one
swing. Game Masters can and will make up rulings as they

6. Healing
You heal one point plus your Constitution bonus times
your level per day. Subdue damage is healed at the same
rate per hour. Regardless of modifiers you heal at least
1 point per level per day/hour.

7. Other Combat Modifiers
Two Weapon fighting -2/-4
Flanking +2
Invisible -4
Prone -4
Cover +1 to +5
Higher Ground +1
Afraid -2
Shooting Into Melee -4
Tiny +2AC
Small +1AC
Large -1AC
Huge -2AC

8. Extra Attacks
Every 6 Levels or HD one gets 1 additional attack unless

otherwise noted.

Next Post will be over the Monster Rules.

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