Alas why do we need skill list?
I mean skills are great in some systems but in S&W is it needed?
YES and NO!
The background of a character is his or her skills.
A character raised in the wilderness or raised in the city would be different.
What I do is allow a simple 1d20 roll plus level plus attribute bonus.
The higher the better.
For "thieves" this is what I do as well.
I give them a simple 1d6+1 per level HPs as well.
"Ranger" types will be handled the same way as well.
A ruling on the spot with no game stopping delay.
I have many players ask about "Feats".
All characters have all "feats" and can try to do anything such as trips, pushes, and power attacks.
A simple attack roll with a possible + or - to the roll and to damage.
Being a Referee for S&W is fun and easy.
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