Monday, December 9, 2024

Traditional OSR Video Creatives Guild on DISCORD

Adventurer's Guild Unlimited Discord

Video Creator's Guild

DO you create awesome Traditional OSR Videos and NEED more people to see them? Keep finding more Traditional OSR Video Creators out there and ask, why haven't I heard of them before? 

Can't seem to break 100 followers? Not enough likes and joins? 

Join our Video Creatives Guild and put your Video Channel on the Discord! Watch, JOIN and Like the other video channels. Exchange ideas! Make videos about other's videos! Organize your Live Streams! 

This isn't some "official" organization, just a bunch of people that make awesome Traditional OSR Videos.    

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

My Old 1985 Supers RPG Found! Now it's called Heroes' Mag RPG

My Old 1985 Supers RPG Found! It later became Hero's Mag. I tired to modernize it but it just didn't play the same. All I can say is fun. The game was tested all the way from 1985 until the middle 90s. Then a brief time again in the late 90s till early 2000s! Doesn't always make sense but go with it and have FUN!  

All Four Color Players start out with 10D6 HD AC 10, MAC 10, 10 MPH, +0 to hit, 1d4 punch and 10 + 1-10 Power Points or 4+1d6 Random Powers. After the description of the power is the P#. It tells how much a power cost or with Random, how many random rolls you get. A normal human in comparison only has 3d6 HD with the more heroic having more. 

OF course RANDOM Powers are far quicker and make for great villains!  

You got your AC or MAC that you roll higher than on a D20 to hit. Subtract HPs.  

YOU can get HERO'S MAG here for Free/PWYW but a few bucks would help my unemployed ass.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024



BttDRPG DriveThruRPG

Back to the Dungeon RPG Deluxe Hardcover, Go download the FREE PDF!

Take a look at a few of the modules for it on DriveThruRPG!

A mixture of OE, BX with a Unified D20 system!

It's the Eldrad Wolfsbane's Unemployment Sale!



Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's been 15 YEARS! In celebration, here is the Eldrad's Problematic Bundle!

 So May 31st 2009, I started this blog. Lot's of BS has happened since. Will be posting more, at least ONCE a month. 

OH I made a Bundle of my BX Advanced Legacy Zine Modules in late celebration of the 15 years of blogging. 

Trashy zine modules you can print out yourself as fold over booklets! Typewrite fonts and crappy hand drawings!  With these you will be know as a leader of men. Women will flock to you in your coolness! Bards will sing tales of your greatness forever! Great sums of money, good luck and latent psionic powers will come to you when you print these out! 

ELDRAD's PROBEMATIC BUNDLE! Since the rainbow hOSR called me and others that and put us on "Muh List" . 

Offensive and called "problematic" by the lil cowardly hypocritical spineless hoes that banned me in various places!!! Buy this bundle to SPIT in the eye of those who would take away our FREEDOM!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Guess what? To those who have been following the Back to the Dungeon RPG, the BACK to the Dungeon RPG Deluxe Hardcover PDF is live for all to devour for free/PWYW. I need yawl to look at it and critique it for edits! THERE WILL BE A HARDCOVER SOON but the PDF and the rules will be forever free! ALSO make some adventures for it! These rules have MEAT for players and easy to run for the Game Master!